The Star
The Star is a card that represents beauty, luck, youth, health, radiance, communication and creativity. It tells us about mental values over feelings and about a good relationship between mind and body. It is a card that shows a lot of ideas and a moment of great personal strength and with very clear ideas.
When this card comes out related to friendship, it indicates that the relationships we have are good, but The best thing is that we continue as we have done so far. We have very clear ideas about what we are looking for and we are not going to change them, which will lead us to enjoy very good times with our friends.
When this card is inverted, it warns us that there is someone close to us who is looking for more than a friendship, but unfortunately, the consultants have very clear ideas and do not feel like taking another step in this relationship. It is important to highlight that these relationships usually here bar with the withdrawal of people.